5 days to evaluate economic impact and 'safety' of 2,500 different shelters

This was an evaluation of DfID's first cash for transitional shelter project implemented by CARE International Indonesia and P3SD, CARE's local partner. The terms of reference (ToR) for the evaluation posed several impossible-to-answer questions as many humanitarian ToRs are wont to do. Here's how we tackled them...


Questioning technical advice in light of housing processes

This was an evaluation of a project to improve earth-building practices for people exposed to flooding and living through a protracted displacement. It looks at shelter decisions from the perspective of households, gender and technology.


Using 'medium' data to interrogate early decisions and unit costs

This was a meta-evaluation of  5 shelter projects funded by a large agency after the earthquake in Haiti. Despite a gentleman's agreement to share the (anonymised) findings, this report was never made public. All the information presented here is in the public domain or uses notional data to demonstrate the methodology.


Learning lessons when it's about luck not logframes

This is an analysis of lessons from NRC's urban programmes in Baghdad. It was written by Fiona Kelling and Laura Heykoop and I helped with editing.